Saturday, 3 March 2012

Day 10: Going forward is the only way to go

To lack money is a terrible thing, in a society where money is king.

I live in Spain where money has stopped to flow. This situation is very, very serious. There are more than 4.5 million unemployed people.

Greece is in a worse situation but we're getting there by the hour.

I'm asking for a million bucks to save my family from this horror.

I'm asking for a million bucks to help create jobs around me.

I'm asking for a million bucks to help money flow.

I'm asking for a million bucks because I have all that money can't buy but that's not enough.

I'm asking you to donate $1 now and help me achive my goal.

This is my plea, please listen to it.

Going forward is the only way to go.

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