Sunday, 26 February 2012

Twitter suspended my account

Yes my friends, Twitter just suspended my account @1milliondollarTW.

It looks like I did something wrong by Twitter's judgment. So my strategy didn't work out.

They didn't send me a mail with the reason but I did send them this one:

Dear Sirs,

I see by your rules that yoy might have suspended my account because I posted multiple unrelated updates to a trending or popular topic; If this is the case, I wasn't aware of this rule and I apologize.

It never was my intention to spam or anything like that.

I promise you never to do it again and if you reactivate my account and put it on probation, you'll see I'll be true to my word.

If you consider that I have to change my behavior in other ways, I'll comply too.

Twitter is important to me and I wouldn't like to see my account suspended again and deleted.

So please, tell me what I did wrong and I'll change all.

Thank you,

J. M. Goig

Now I'm waiting for their reply.

It's been hard for me but I won't give up. I can't give up. I have no option but to keep on trying.

Let's see what happens. I'll keep you informed.

Day 3

Hurray! I received my first donation, 999.999 to go!

Yesterday I changed my avatar image to show that I'm a real person with a real goal:

Yes, that half face is me :-)

I sent messages to a list of rich people like this one:

but no response. Anyway, I also created another daily with this list: The World Of The Rich Times

Following my strategy of making myself noticed I tweeted my petiton adding trending topics hashtags. I'll keep doing this.

Also, I'll tweet my new followers who didn't donate with a gentil petition.

Now I have 26 followers and received 1 donation.

What do you think I sholud do to stand out and complete my goal? Suggestions accepted :-)

Friday, 24 February 2012

Day 2

Eleven followers but no donations yet. Who will it be the first one?

Most of my followers are "eggs" so no real people behind.

Yesterday I made two dailys: The $1Million Daily and The Most Successful Tweeps Journal.

Today I'm going to make a new list: The Rich People list and another daily with it.

I have to find the path. The way that works. I won't stop until I make one million dollars!!!

Stay tuned.

Day 1

O.K., two followers but no donations yet.

This is going to be the story of my success or the story of my failure, but a story anyway.

I'm serious about this, really serious.

My goal: to get $1million by getting 1million followers who donate $1 each. Is it possible? Nothing is impossible!

When you're at the bottom of the bottom, the only way is up.

Yesterday, I sent a message to the most followed accounts in twitterland. No response.

Today, my strategy is to follow them, and send a message to a list of rich people and follow them too.

Let's see what happens.

 See you next chapter.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Hello world

Hello world and welcome to The Million Dollar Twitter Blog.

My name is J. M. Goig (you can google about me) and I live in Spain. I'm the one behind this idea.

My goal is to get one million dollars through twitter by receiving one dollar from every follower. Sounds impossible? We'll see.

Others made similar goals so I thought, why not?

So go to my Twitter account, donate $1 by using the link there, follow me and tell your friends now!

Ah, yes, I'll follow you back and will write here how my goal goes.

I'll be back soon.