Yes my friends, Twitter just suspended my account @1milliondollarTW.
It looks like I did something wrong by Twitter's judgment. So my strategy didn't work out.
They didn't send me a mail with the reason but I did send them this one:
Dear Sirs,
I see by your rules that yoy might have suspended my account because I posted multiple unrelated updates to a trending or popular topic; If this is the case, I wasn't aware of this rule and I apologize.
It never was my intention to spam or anything like that.
I promise you never to do it again and if you reactivate my account and put it on probation, you'll see I'll be true to my word.
If you consider that I have to change my behavior in other ways, I'll comply too.
Twitter is important to me and I wouldn't like to see my account suspended again and deleted.
So please, tell me what I did wrong and I'll change all.
Thank you,
J. M. Goig
Now I'm waiting for their reply.
It's been hard for me but I won't give up. I can't give up. I have no option but to keep on trying.
Let's see what happens. I'll keep you informed.